Reality TV News Wire
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The Real World

Ritzy Newport neighbors protesting MTV's plans to film 'Real World/Road Rules Challenge' in Newport mansion

Well, perhaps we spoke too soon when we compared the enthusiastic reaction that Newport, Rhode Island mayor Richard C. Sardella expressed upon discovering that MTV and Bunim/Mrray Productions planned to film the latest edition of their "The Real World/Road Rules Challenge" series in Newport with the lawsuit that local Chicago residents filed after discovering the Bumin/Murray planned to film their new sundicated "Starting Over" series in their ritzy Gold coast neighborhood. Apparently the location might be different, but the reaction of the local snobby would-be neighbors remains the same, as the Providence Journal is reporting that Newport neighbors are now mounting opposition to MTV's plans to film one of its popular reality programs at a Bellevue Avenue mansion later this month.
TAGS: The Real World  Road Rules 

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